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Join the Breakfast Club

As we all know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but some of us just don’t have the time to make a meal before work or class. And when choosing between extra sleep or another meal…most people choose the extra sleep. How do we fix this? Make a smoothie before going to work. It takes the same amount of time it would to get a coffee!

I found that starting my day with a smoothie is the best decision I’ve made in a while. Smoothies give a great boost of energy that can be added to your daily routine. Skipping breakfast makes people feel sluggish and non-energetic. Then when lunch comes around, most people eat a large lunch to make up for the fact that they skipped breakfast.

A smoothie has numerous benefits. For starters, smoothies add in veggies and fruits that I normally wouldn’t eat in an entire day. I am not one to eat a ton of veggies because I don’t like their taste, but when they are added to smoothies, I can hardly taste them! Secondly, smoothies make me feel more full than I normally would, keeping me satisfied until lunchtime. I avoid eating unnecessary junk food as snacks. Finally, one of the best parts of making smoothies is that you can add a ton of ingredients together, and the smoothies will still taste good.

Unsure of what healthy items to add to your smoothies? Fruit berries are always a go-to option, but here are a few other ideas:

Quinoa: A great protein source, Quinoa provides essential amino acids that our bodies need.

Avocado: A great source of fiber and potassium, avocados will add a nice, creamy texture to your smoothie.  

Peanut Butter: Add some protein to your smoothie with peanut butter. This ingredient also adds healthy fat and potassium to your morning routine.

Nut Butter: Allergic to peanuts? Substitute peanut butter for any nut butter. Like peanut butter, it also contains protein, healthful fats, and fiber.

Kale: May not be the best tasting ingredient alone, but adding this to your smoothie you’re drinking one of the most nutrient dense foods out there.

Cucumber: Keeps you hydrated and contains numerous antioxidants.

Flaxseeds: Add a little crunch to your smoothie. Flaxseeds are high in fiber, low in carbs, and promote digestive health.

And hey, if you’re looking to add another great flavor to your smoothie mix, add one of our NuYu drinks to complete your morning.


NuYu’s Leprechaun Lemonade

A cocktail with ingredients that are good for you? I’ll take one! St. Patty’s Day is just around the corner and if there is one thing I love, it is holiday themed drinks! Replace those sugar-filled mixers with NuYu’s organic juices. With great flavor, you won’t be missing out on anything and instead, you’ll be adding a healthy option to the mix (something you WON’T regret in the morning).  Check out this recipe for a great St. Patty’s Day cocktail option!

Introducing: NuYu’s Leprechaun Lemonade

Recipe Mix:

  • NuYu Lemon
  • 1 oz. White Rum
  • 1 oz. Vodka
  • Lime Cordial

Outer Rim:

  • Lime wedge
  • Sea Salt

Talk about a mix that tastes great and looks great! Show your friends this new drink option at your St. Patty’s Day Party!


Fearless Fitness

Not all workouts have to be done on a treadmill in a gym. There are numerous options I enjoy when I am looking to get a workout in. If you’re not enjoying your current workout, maybe it’s time to switch it up! Finding the right workout for you is important because no one wants to continually do something they don’t enjoy. Here are 4 options for you to consider next time you go to workout.


Let’s start with one of the harder workouts out there: CrossFit. CrossFit is a fitness program that has become increasingly popular in recent years. The CrossFit workouts involve high-intensity interval training, powerlifting, aerobic exercises, and body weight exercises. CrossFit is a popular workout, however, it is also a competitive sport. Meaning, the workouts can vary depending on what you want to accomplish, but overall, it is a great strength and conditioning workout. There are many CrossFit workouts available online for you to follow, as well as gyms that have CrossFit groups for you to join.


This may be one of my favorites! Although, I sometimes prefer to bike outdoors as an alternative workout. Spinning has been a very popular workout for years. Spin is a form of exercise with classes that focus on endurance, high intensity and recovery, and strength. Usually taught to upbeat music, all spin classes are run by an instructor who is there to motivate you to keep going. Spin classes are offered in almost all gyms, so if you’re interested in a fast paced workout with a community atmosphere, spinning is for you.


Not looking to go too crazy but still want to get a workout in? Try out Pilates. This is a physical fitness system focused on controlling one’s movements. Pilates centers around concentration, control, flow, precision, and breathing. If it is practiced consistently, Pilates helps improve flexibility and strengthen the core. Usually, one practices Pilates with an instructor who walks you through the Pilates routine.  


Yoga is a wonderful spiritual, physical, and mental practice. The main purpose of yoga is to connect the body and the mind. It is something that can be done by anyone, either in a class, or alone in your bedroom. There are many different ways to practice yoga as well. Many athletes practice yoga to stay flexible, while other practice it to lose weight or as a spiritual practice. Whatever your goal is, you can modify your yoga techniques to reach that goal. And hey, if you’re feeling ambitious, check out hot yoga studios for a great workout. They are tougher than you think!


Kickstart a New You

Being self motivated is a characteristic we all wish we had. Some of us do not need that extra push. They are able to keep things on the move and are able to achieve task after task. But self-motivation is definitely something you can pick up! You just have to follow these 6 tips!

1. Drop the sense of entitlement

No one owes you anything in this world. You are lucky enough if your parents are willing to put up with you for 18 years. Work hard and work smart to stay ahead of the curve and achieve your goals.

2. Drop the stress

Do not stress over things you cannot control. Reduce the level of stress by engaging in a rigorous workout or meditation.

3. Drop the negativity

If you learn to focus on the positives in your lives, you will automatically realize that it outweighs the negatives. Distance yourself from those who are negative.

4. Drop the comparisons

You cannot be the best at everything. So do not compare yourself to other people. Comparisons make you jealous of others and endorses negativity.

5. Drop the time management issues

Learn how to manage your time better. It’s easier to not manage time well at the moment and let your future self take the blame. Put an end to that.

6. Drop the lazy attitude

Everyone is lazy. But successful people are successful because they finish their obligations whether they want to or not.


Volunteer for a New You

When was the last time you thought about heading over to the local soup kitchen and volunteering your time to do something selfless? I agree, it can be hard. After all, with work, school, and life, it can be hard to find time for other people. But volunteering doesn’t just have to be about other people. Think of it as an outlet. An outlet that fuels your brain with positive reinforcement.

Last weekend, my friends and I decided to show up at the local Salvation Army and volunteered our time to make a difference. My friends were weary about the idea since they didn’t want to be “tired” for that evening’s festivities. However, they were all pleasantly surprised. Volunteering can be cumbersome, but the positive energy kicks out any form of tiredness in the end. A few smiles and satisfied faces are enough to pick yourself up at the end of the day. But don’t just hear it from me. Go try it yourself!

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